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Healthcare workers holding a meeting
Healthcare workers holding a meeting

Gadovist® 1.0

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바이엘에서는 앞으로 나아가야 할 길은 단 하나라고 믿습니다. 그것은 바로 전진입니다. 바이엘은 진단부터 치료에 이르기까지 환자의 삶을 개선하기 위해 선생님과 공동의 비전을 공유하고 있습니다. 모든 사람은 자신의 건강에 대한 명확한 답변을 받을 자격이 있다고 생각하기 때문입니다.

Healthcare administrator discusses serious topic
Healthcare administrator discusses serious topic
Industry researchers working


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Gadovist®는 DENSE,8 GadaCAD,9  LEADER-75,10및 GEMMA등 여러 중요한 연구를 포함한 4,000건7이상의 연구에서 유효성과 잘 정립된 안전성 프로파일을 입증했습니다.11

Radiologist attends research presentation

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Radiologist reads brain scan

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  • 1. Bayer. About Us. Accessed 2023. Return to content
  • 2. Endrikat et al. Clinical Efficacy of Gadobutrol: Review of Over 25 Years of Use Exceeding 100 Million Administrations. Investigative Radiology. 2023 ():10.1097/RLI.0000000000001041. Return to content
  • 3. Michaely HJ, et al. Gadobutrol in renally impaired patients: results of the GRIP study. Invest Radiol. 2‍0‍1‍7;‍5‍2‍(1‍):5‍5-6‍0. Return to content
  • 4. Endrikat J, et al. Safety of gadobutrol: results from 42 clinical phase II to IV studies and postmarketing surveillance after 29 million applications. Invest Radiol. 2‍0‍1‍6;‍5‍1(9‍):5‍3‍7 4‍3. Return to content
  • 5. European Society of Radiology (ESR). Impact of artificial intelligence on radiology: a EuroAIM survey among members of the European Society of Radiology. Insights Imaging. 2‍0‍1‍9;1‍0(1‍):1‍0‍5. Return to content
  • 6. Bayer. Annual Report 2021. Accessed 2023. Return to content
  • 7. Bayer. Data on File Return to content
  • 8. Emaus MJ, et al. MR imaging as an additional screening modality for the detection of breast cancer in women aged 50–75 years with extremely dense breasts: the DENSE trial study design. Radiology. 2‍0‍1‍5;2‍7‍7(2):5‍2‍7-3‍7. Return to content
  • 9. Arai AE, et al. Gadobutrol-Enhanced Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Detection of Coronary Artery Disease. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2‍0‍2‍0;7‍6(1‍3):1‍5‍3‍6-1‍5‍4‍7. Return to content
  • 10. Liu BP, et al. Clinical Efficacy of Reduced-Dose Gadobutrol Versus Standard-Dose Gadoterate for Contrast-Enhanced MRI of the CNS: An International Multicenter Prospective Crossover Trial (LEADER-75). AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2‍0‍2‍1;2‍1‍7(‍5):1‍1‍9‍5-1‍2‍0‍5. Return to content
  • 11. Sardanelli F, et al. Gadobutrol-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Breast in the Preoperative Setting: Results of 2 Prospective International Multicenter Phase III Studies. Invest Radiol. 2‍0‍1‍6‍;‍5‍1‍(‍7‍)‍:4‍5‍4‍-‍6‍1. Return to content
  • 12. Bayer. Kontrastmittel made in Germany. 2018. PP-GAD-DE-0028. Return to content
  • 13. Bayer. Kontrastmittel made in Germany. Accessed 2023. Return to content